Communicating Music Through Gestures
By Diane Wittry
Table of Contents
Section 1. The Body
The Conducting Space
Body Posture
The Feet
Grounding the Lower Body
The Waist and Back
Lifting the Ribcage and Opening the Chest
The Head
The Shoulders
The Arms
The Wrist and Fingers
The Face and Eyes
Overall Presence
Section 2. Motion and Gestures
Impact and Release
Gestures You Already Know
The Downward Gesture
The Upward Gesture
Sideways Gestures
Motions Outward
Motions Inward
Circles, Arcs, Free Motion
Preparatory Beats
Developing the Left Hand
Section 3. Connecting with the Sound
The Conducting Strike Zone
The Table of Sound
Placement of Your Arm and Hand
Conducting with Your Hand
Conveying Pulse
The Baton
Basic Conducting Patterns
Baton Exercises
Right and Left Hand Independence
Section 4. Applying and Combining Gestures
Starting the Ensemble
Controlling the Sound
Instrument Characteristics
The Left Hand
Accents and Syncopation
Cues and Cutoffs
Lifts , Rests, Holds, and Releases
Lifts and Caesuras
Rests and Recitatives
Section 5. Controlling Tempo and Volume
Going Faster and Slower
Selecting the Tempo
Showing the Tempo
Tempo Relationships
Changing the Tempo
Merged Beats
Shaping Dynamics
Showing Dynamics
Size, Weight, and Placement
Changing Dynamics
Sudden Dynamic Changes
Section 6. Becoming Centered
The Breath
Centering the Body
Finding Stillness
Living in the Moment
Tuning in to the Universe
Section 7. Making Music
Communicating the Music
Conveying Emotions
Communicating Character
Guiding with a Light Touch
Conducting Considerations
Score Study
Rehearsal and Concert Preparation
Do’s and Don’ts
Inspired Leadership
Building Trust
Establishing the Right Environment
Flexibility – the Secret to Success
Developing your Career
Putting it all Together
Outline of Body Relaxation Exercises
Conducting Diagram Charts
Useful Links and Resources
Baton Makers
Book Recommendations
Conducting Books
Music Repertoire
Music Reference
Non-profit Management
Fundraising and Grants
Marketing and Social Media
Music Organizations
Other Websites
Baton Basics Companion Website
We are pleased to announce the companion Website for Baton Basics – Communicating Music Through Gestures. This website features over 60 videos of the conducting exercises in the book. Each of these video examples is marked in the book with this symbol (INSERT SYMBOL). As you read through Baton Basics, you can refer to these videos for clarification of all of the exercises. I hope this will make everything easier to understand and give you a model that will enhance the learning process.